EdZola - Social Impact Circle Event in 5 cities!

Exciting news - EdZola’s Social Impact Circle is now touring across 5 major cities :partying_face::partying_face:

Come, be a part of this event that helps changemakers

  1. Learn from capacity building sessions and tech centric sessions from experts
  2. Share impactful stories, discuss challenges and find solutions together
  3. Connect and build relationships with people who understands and solves your problems

Join your fellow Nonprofits here - Social Impact Circle | EdZola

Here are your options, register your interest fast!

  1. Hyderabad on August, 25th
  2. Mumbai on September 9th
  3. Delhi on October, 13th
  4. Chennai on November, 4th
  5. Bengaluru on December 8th

Register if you’re a nonprofit professional, founder of a nonprofit and social enterprise, CSR leader or an ecosystem enabler working to create a greater social impact. We’re aiming to connect all like-minded individuals in one platform and its free of cost!

Register your interest here right away - Social Impact Circle | EdZola

View brochure here