HydFOSS by FOSSUnited in collaboration with T-Hub, Hyderabad - Chance to showcase your FOSS for Social Impact by proposing a talk

Event Title: HydFOSS

Event Date: 29th July 2023

Type of Event: Day-long conference involving talks and networking

Description: FOSSUnited, in collaboration with T-Hub, is thrilled to announce HydFOSS on the 29th of July 2023 at T-Hub, Hyderabad. The Call for Proposals is now open! If you want to share your insights on #opensource, #openhardware, #opendata and #FOSSpolicy in India, please consider proposing a talk. The submission deadline is 10th of July, 2023.

Links to Register and for more details:

For more information on HydFOSS and to submit your proposal, please visit HydFOSS - FOSS United, in collaboration with T-Hub is organising a Free and Open Source Software Conference in Hyderabad. Look around in https://indiafoss.net/ for previous city conferences we held around the country.

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