[Closed] Free Demo of Metabase: Learn how you can understand data better to amplify your work reach, quality

Event Title: A Tour of Metabase for Beginners

Event Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024 3:00 PM

Type of Event: Online (45minutes)

Description: Official tour of Metabase. Twice a month, Metabse hosts an event to give you an overview of Metabase’s basic features and help you get started working with your data. This event will be useful for people who are new to Metabase or have recently started using it.

What is covered:

  1. Connecting Metabase to a database
  2. X-rays: getting first insights from your data
  3. Asking questions in Metabase
  4. Performing exploratory/ad-hoc analysis
  5. Building basic dashboards
  6. Dashboard interactivity: filters, drill-through, custom destinations, etc.

Links to Register and for more details:
Event & registration page here.

Watch the session here: