"Learning by Doing" an Online Workshop to Learn to Solve Civic & Climate Issues using Real Data

Event Title: Learning by Doing

Event Date & time: 2024-07-13T12:30:00Z2024-07-13T14:30:00Z

Type of Event: Online via Zoom

Reap Benefit tackles local environmental and civic challenges in waste management, water conservation, energy efficiency, and sanitation through innovative, low-cost solutions. By engaging young school students, Reap Benefit equips them with the skills to become tomorrow’s problem solvers.

What’s in Store for you?

  • Hands-on learning to understand Data and Data Analysis

  • Learn specific techniques in Google Sheets for analysis, including pivot tables and visualisation

  • Gain a basic understanding of a specific civic issue through the lens of data

To register, scan the QR code in the image above or click here. Limited spots available.

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