Exploring Gender and Digital Spaces through The Digital Everyday, a 3-month Learning Program hosted by Point of View

The Digital Everyday offers a unique 3-month digital-first learning program that delves into gender, sexuality, and digital spaces. It’s a collaboration among academic institutions and civil society organisations, attracting global participants.

Presented by Point of View in collaboration with Digital Narratives Studio and Design Beku.

Key features include:

Deep Dives: Collaborations with knowledge partners for comprehensive learning.

In-Person Action Labs: Hands-on sessions to apply theoretical knowledge.

Feminist Methodologies: Focus on social justice and feminist perspectives.

The program has positively impacted participants’ understanding of digital ecosystems, with applications for the 2024 edition now open.

Deadline: 2024-08-15T18:30:00Z

For more information, visit The Digital Everyday. Interested candidates can apply here!

This is super interesting. Thanks for sharing @Pooja :sunflower:

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