Guidestar India Request for setting up Online Forum of Changemakers


We at GuideStar India wish to set up a forum for discussions and exchange of information for and among Non Profit Organisations (NPO) who are associated with GuideStar India. The forum aims to discuss practices, challenges and tools on promoting transparency and accountability. It would also be a forum to make announcements on opportunities for members, members will seek/ offer solutions on related topics that help members further their charitable mission.

We have a vibrant community on WhatsApp who will be encouraged to migrate to the online forum. We expect the forum to be simple to use, easy to maintain and where posts can be tagged and are easily searchable.

Request help with the setting up of the forum with appropriate safeguards for our team and members of the form.

Thanks in advance!



Hi Pushpa,

Thank you for reaching out to us :slightly_smiling_face:. We have self-hosted the discourse forum for GuideStar India on our server, which can be accessed at :tada:. We used a DigitalOcean droplet as our server, and for mail sending, we utilized SendGrid’s SMTP service.
If you encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us again.

Jinso Raj

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Thank you for the prompt implementation! We are quite excited and are exploring the various features. We would love to try the bulk invite feature to invite specific sub-groups of users. Also wonderful to learn that users can be a part of multiple sub-groups! We plan to create sub-groups based on our different tiers of certification, based on geography and thematic areas. Look forward to learning more as we use.

Thanks to you and all the amazing folks who are making this tech available for changemakers to collaborate!



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