KisanMitra - Tinkering with our Grivience Redressal Process

We as KisanMitra Team have been going through a stagnation w.r.t adopting tech and streamlining the process especially our field team has been sharing the field updates via whatsapp/slack and those had to be incorporated back to the system & the primary language of the system has been still english. As we scale up and many more organisations are taking up KisanMitra Helpline work in their districts, we realised we need to resolve these pressing problems and hence we initiated a discussion with Tech4Good Team. @arunabha coordinated through the 3 days making sure all of us could brainstorm & @Tech4Good was meticulous on pinning down the key issues restricting us from making progress.
Sherin K R was dynamic, and started tinkering with the code and we are in testing phase with some of the key ideas we were brainstorming.

Special thanks to TinkerHub, Meher & Team for giving us a space which was thriving and also through out the 3 days, we were able to interact with some of the smartest and diverse brains in the tech scene in Kerala.

Looking forward to take this energy forward & hopefully all our KisanMitra team would be in sync w.r.t work effortlessly.