Need help with website that is low cost and good quality

I’m looking for some help to build a low cost good quality website for a fair profit consultancy called Aline Partners. I am mostly done with the content. And, need someone to help me with building the website. I have a basic template.


  1. 4 pages
  2. Ability to change and add pictures.
  3. Colour scheme(like the logo)- blue, green, white and black


Welcome to the group! And thanks for reaching out.

Looking at your requirements, We would recommend going for Github Pages

You have mapped out the content. And once content is ready, Tech4Good Fellow @Megha-Jibhakate can help you with the next steps.

Do you have any template in mind? Liek what your website should look like.



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@Megha-Jibhakate will be in touch with you for the next steps.

Thank you for reaching out about your website project. I can definitely help you with building the website.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for choosing our team to work on your website project. It has been an absolute pleasure to collaborate with you and create a website.

We used some great tools like Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Github, Cloudflare and more to create your website. We think that these tools helped us to make a website that really shows off your brand.

Once again, Thank you for approaching us to make your website, and we look forward to continuing our work together.

Thank you! It was an absolute pleasure working with you, Megha! Megha was so dedicated and prompt with the whole thing. It was easy to communicate with her. And this was an eye opening experience as well for me… Thank you so much!

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