Primero™ - A Comprehensive Solution for Protecting Vulnerable Populations

Primero is an open source software platform that helps social services, humanitarian and development workers manage protection-related data, with tools that facilitate case management, incident monitoring and family tracing and reunification.

Primero™ is an open-source, self-hosted software platform designed to help organizations and humanitarian actors collect, share, and analyze information to protect vulnerable populations, including women, children, and other at-risk individuals. By using a secure and robust system, Primero™ aims to improve data management, enhance the coordination of services, and facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of interventions. In this review, we will take a deep dive into the features, pros, and cons of Primero™ and how it can be beneficial for non-profits and social enterprises.

Primero is envisioned as a digital public good to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Key Features:

  1. User-friendly interface: Primero™ offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing even non-technical users to navigate and manage data with ease.
  2. Customizable forms and fields: Organizations can customize data collection forms and fields to suit their specific needs and requirements.
  3. Advanced security: Primero™ features robust security measures to protect sensitive data, including encryption and role-based access control.
  4. Workflow management: Organizations can use Primero™ to manage complex case management workflows, including referrals, assessments, and service delivery.
  5. Real-time data synchronization: Primero™ allows for real-time data synchronization between devices, ensuring that all stakeholders have up-to-date information.
  6. Monitoring and evaluation: Primero™ offers built-in monitoring and evaluation tools to measure the effectiveness of interventions and track the progress of beneficiaries.
  7. Multi-language support: Primero™ supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a diverse range of users and populations.
  8. Mobile application: Primero™ offers a mobile app to facilitate data collection and management in the field, even in areas with limited internet connectivity.
  9. Interoperability: Primero™ can integrate with other systems and software, facilitating data sharing and collaboration between organizations.
  10. Capacity building: Primero™ provides comprehensive training materials and support to help organizations maximize the platform’s potential.


  • Open source and self-hosted, allowing organizations to maintain control over their data
  • Highly customizable to meet the specific needs of different organizations and projects
  • Strong focus on data security and privacy
  • Built-in monitoring and evaluation tools
  • Mobile app for offline data collection and management


  • Setup and configuration may require technical expertise
  • Limited availability of user support and documentation compared to commercial products
  • Ongoing maintenance and updates may be challenging for organizations with limited resources

How to Get Started: To get started with Primero™, visit their website ( and access their documentation, which includes guides on installation, configuration, and usage. You can also find the source code on GitHub (GitHub - primeroIMS/primero: Primero is an application designed to help child protection workers and social workers in humanitarian and development contexts manage data on vulnerable children and survivors of violence. Please carefully read our LICENSE. If you would like access to the CPIMS+ and GBVIMS+ configurations, please contact: For further support, join the Primero™ Community of Practice, where you can connect with other users and experts.

Use Cases:

Primero can be used by non-profits and social enterprises that work with vulnerable populations such as children, women, refugees or migrants. Some examples are:

  • UNICEF: The United Nations Children’s Fund uses Primero to support child protection programmes in more than 40 countries. Primero helps UNICEF to register children at risk, monitor their well-being, provide referrals and reunify families.
  • IRC: The International Rescue Committee uses Primero to support gender-based violence prevention and response programmes in more than 20 countries. Primero helps IRC to document incidents of violence, provide survivors with services and referrals, and analyze trends and patterns.
  • Save the Children: Save the Children uses Primero to support child protection programmes in several countries. Primero helps Save the Children to identify children in need of protection, provide case management services, trace families and reunify children.

How to Get Started:
To get started with Primero™, visit their website ( and access their documentation, which includes guides on installation, configuration, and usage. You can also find the source code on GitHub (GitHub - primeroIMS/primero: Primero is an application designed to help child protection workers and social workers in humanitarian and development contexts manage data on vulnerable children and survivors of violence. Please carefully read our LICENSE. If you would like access to the CPIMS+ and GBVIMS+ configurations, please contact: For further support, join the Primero™ Community of Practice, where you can connect with other users and experts.

To install or sign up for Primero, users need to follow these steps:

  • Visit the Primero Support Hub at
  • Register for - Register for an account by providing your name, email, organization and country.
  • Choose a Primero template from the library that suits your needs and context.
  • Customize the template by editing the forms, lookups, languages, logos and locations.
  • Launch or update your live site when you are satisfied with your configuration.
  • Access your site from any device with a web browser and an internet connection.


Primero™ is a powerful and flexible platform designed to support non-profits and social enterprises working to protect vulnerable populations. Its customizable features, strong security measures, and built-in monitoring and evaluation tools make it an ideal choice for organizations seeking to improve their data management and service delivery. While it may require some technical expertise for setup and ongoing maintenance, the benefits of using an open-source, self-hosted platform like Primero™ are substantial, particularly for organizations that prioritize data privacy and control.

For non-profits and social enterprises considering Primero™, it’s essential to evaluate their specific needs and resources, as well as to compare it to other available tools in the market. By carefully considering the pros and cons, organizations can make an informed decision about whether Primero™ is the right fit for their operations and objectives.