Create a Rootbridge website - that helps corporates, individials , communities book a dialogue and become a change partner

Hi Shemeer/ Arunabha
As discussed in our training workshop - I wanted to move the conversation forward on creating an interface with citizens and aggregators to book a dialogue with us , where we can schedule an event on a theme. Ive tried to put in a summery of the expectations below

What are we solving ?
From apathy to active citizenship
Often intolerance, apathy, the stereotypes and biases we hold comes from some beliefs we have formed. If not questioned and clarified , these could turn into hardened positions that form the bases of our actions and responses to others in the cities/ communities we live in.
Rootbridge recognises a scarcity of dialogues amongst people from different walks of life and aims to create spaces to dialogue on diverse social issues.
Rootbridge also helps citizens take further action by connecting them to organisations that work with vulnerable communities, organisations that promote constitutional values, that are working on environmental and social issues that plague us.
A vibrant community of individual financial contributors further strengthen the work of the organisation while citizens find meaning in contributing and engaging with issues that they care about.

  1. We want to offer these dialogues in multiple spaces – workspaces, community centres, resident welfare associations, colleges, family and friend gatherings at home etc. The host can book a “dialogue for change “ and the starting point is a 2-3 hour engagement where people feel that they have learnt, contributed and reimagined a better world.

They are introduced to an organisation that has worked on these issues and demonstrated meaningful change. Individuals are encouraged to join the organisation and expand the community of change makers.

Most people don’t have the time but can make a regular contribution of Rs 1000/ month , they can engage with a newsletter, create awareness about the cause, the work and the impact being created .

  1. To host a “Dialogue for change “ one needs to register on the site by paying Rs 250. There is no charge for the event . The only commitment would be a room full of people who are empathetic and what to make change .The success is in growing the community for each cause via the organisation that works on the ground.

  2. To understand more about the nature of the event – the tools and the engagement design there are some case studies that you can pick from . You can also speak to a facilitator who can help you plan the event.

  3. Post event we would like you to post a review – both from the host and the participant – we would also like to summarise what the collective achieved from the event

  • Money raised
  • Commitments to spread the word – on social media
  • Refer a community/ individual to host a dialogue
  • Feedback from the NGO- community
  1. The team
  2. About us – causes we have work for ; non profit partners , number of citizens engaged
  3. The arts and social change/ citizenship – blog ; TO – blog;