Moving data from one account to another in google drive?

Hi team,

I’m part of a non-profit organisation. We have been using personal gmail with extended storage space for storing files and materials used for our processes. We have recently started a new google workspace to manage our work.

Seek help and strategy on transfer about 35 GB data from this personal gmail drive to one assigned email drive in the workspace.

Google offers migration from other email providers, and from personal gmail accounts as well.

The admin account for your Google Workspace will have the rights to initiate this, after which individual users should consent for data migration.

These links should help.


Hi Sreechand,

Thanks for sharing out. Appreciate it.

We tried this, but it turns out it is not for this task of sharing data between google drive.

Hi Kiran,

If you prefer not to download files as a zip and transfer them manually, using cloud-to-cloud transfer tools is a more efficient approach. You can transfer your files from Google Drive using command line tools like rclone. Additionally, if you prefer GUI methods, rclone also offers a GUI version."